I wrote an article called, “5 Tips to Prepare for Your Next Career Move During the Quarantine”

The quarantine has been a slap to the face to be thankful, live day-to-day, and get out of my comfort zone on a whole ‘notha level.

As I quarantine in my Bogotá apartment, my goals are to not smell like an ape all the time, snack as healthy as possible, work out intensively an hour each day, and explore new activities to do.

And speaking of new activities, I applied to an opportunity to write for a Fellowship database site called, ProFellows. I wrote about how to prepare for your next career move during this unique and challenging time. The ProFellows site is a useful resource to find funding for graduate school or for a PhD and unique opportunities to study abroad or conduct research.

Take a gander at it! It has tips that are applicable if you are looking for a job or a new opportunity, in general.

PSA: I didn’t choose the article’s image and she happens to be an Asian woman. haha.

5 Tips to Prepare for Your Next Career Move During the Quarantine